La Maison De La Foret
world best touristic village
These long-form vlogs mark the official start of my vlogging journey, and I owe a lot to Bkassine for kickstarting my YouTube channel. In 2021, Bkassine was recognized as the World Best Touristic Village by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Situated in the south of Lebanon, it's one of the country's most picturesque and peaceful villages.
Our first visit to Bkassine's La Maison De La Foret was in 2020, before it achieved its prestigious title as the World's Best Touristic Village. There, Gio and I embarked on a magical hike through the pine forest that felt like a journey in a fairytale, only to realize the sun was setting as we reached the valley's bottom. With a touch of panic, we hurried back up the mountain, sharing our experiences in a short 2-3 minute video as we entered La Maison De La Foret.
I uploaded the video on YouTube, and for a few months, it garnered just four views in total. However, when Bkassine was recognized as the World's Best Touristic Village by the UNWTO, my video views skyrocketed. It was at that point that I felt the need to create a more comprehensive Bkassine video, showcasing the pine forest's beauty, the surrounding mountains, and the resort itself.
While I may cringe a bit when I watch these two videos today (I'd definitely make them shorter and combine them into one), they hold a special place in my heart as they represent my very first steps into the world of vlogging, and Bkassine remains a cherished memory.